Wine&wisdom: a halachic overview of fine wines and their brachos

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Publisher: Editorial Feldheim
Genres: Cocina
Pages: 206 pages
Edition: 1ed. ;
Language: Inglés
Physical Form: Book
Size: Small
Type: Standard
Estantería: 296.12 T698w
Ciudad, País: Jerusalem, Israel
Consecutivo: R.00711

Torah study offers eternal bliss in both this world and the Next. The Midrash teaches that the pleasure experienced from studying Torah is comparable to that of drinking fine wine.

How are we to understand the correlation between these two pleasures?

Wine is called the "King of beverages"'; it is the most regal of all drinks. In line with its royal status, the halachos of the brachos associated with wine are among the most intricate and complex, especially those of the brachah of Hatov v'hametiv.

Wine and Wisdom gives readers a sampling of these halachos, as they are applied to the world's finest wines.

Wine connoisseurs can detect the subtle distinctions between one fine wine and another. Wine and Wisdom combines the depth of halachah with the invigorating taste of superior wines, reframing the entire drinking experience.

Anyone who appreciates fine 'wine will find that Wine and Wisdom helps him bring together these two noble pleasures.


Este libro nos relata, que el estudio de la Torá ofrece felicidad eterna tanto en este mundo como en el siguiente; el Midrash enseña que el placer que se experimenta al estudiar la Torá es comparable al de beber un buen vino.

El autor pretende que se pregunten: ¿Cómo se entender la correlación entre estos dos placeres?

El vino se llama el rey de las bebidas"; De acuerdo con su estatus real, los halachos de los brachos asociados con el vino se encuentran entre los más intrincados y complejos, especialmente los de la brachah de Hatov v'hametiv."


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