Publisher: The Judaica Press

Found 5 books in total
The Vilna Gaón on Megillas Esther
The very name of the Gra conjures images of towering Torah stature. From a small room...
Rav Avigdor Miller on Olam Haba
We live in a world where our soul-instincts are dulled by the common culture. Creeping...
Gematria the space of the of thora
The study of gematria, the hidden meaning of Hebrew words based on the numerical value...
Shir Hashirim: song of songs,an allegorical translation based upon Rashi with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and rabbinic sources
The beautiful love song between G-d and Israel that Rabbi Akiva calls "Holy of...
Ramban (Nachmanides) commentary on the torah Génesis
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, the 13th century Jewish leader and scholar known as Ramban,...
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