Found 11 books in total
Kol dodi seasonigs of the Torah:
Fascinating allusions of Parashat based on letters, vowels, numbers and history...
The spiral of time: unraveling the yearly cycle
Many centuries ago, the Sages of Israel were the foremost authority in the fields of...
Jewish wisdom in the numbers
Este libro se basa en gran medida en los principios fundamentales del Maharal, al...
La Torá del Rebe Najmán  Babidmar - Números:
Este libro de La Torá del Rebe Najmán es una compilación de los pensamientos del...
Ramban (Nachmanides): commentary on the torah Numbers
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, the 13th century Jewish leader and scholar known as Ramban,...
Hablaras de Tora Tomo 4 Bamidbar Números
Se presenta éste tomo 4 que corresponde a Bamidbar-Números. Nuestros Sabios comparan a...
Sapirstein edition Rashí vol.4: bamidbar - numbers, the torah with rashi´s commentary translated, annotated, and elucidated
Sapirstein Edition Rashi - Personal Size Slipcased 4 Volume Set - Sapirstein Edition...
The weekly midrash vol. 3: Tzénah Urénah: The classic anthology of Torah lore and midrashic comment, bamidmar-devarim with haftoros
From 1610 until the Holocaust, an Eastern European Jewish home had a Tz'enah Ur'enah...
Aderet Eliyahu - Derashot en Parasha y Haftarah: Vayikra-bamidbar-devarim
Este libro contiene destacados chiddushim e ideas sobre las porciones semanales de la...
Talelei Oros: the parashah anthology, Bamidbar - Numbers, a collection of insights and commentaries on the weekly
The present work with comments from some Rabbis on the parashas Bamidbar / Numbers....
The Lion Cub of Prague : Numbers - Deuteronomy
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512-1607], known as Maharal of Prague, is credited with the...
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