Found 14 books in total
God´s day timer   [Videodisco digital]
The final minutes of history’s final hour are approaching, and Believers all over the...
The ninth of Av mystery [Videodisco digital]
Various calamities have befallen the Jewish people on the "Ninth of Av" on the Hebrew...
The month of Iyyar: evolving the self lag B´Omer
Each month of the year radiates with a distinct quality and provides unique...
The month of Cheshvan: navigating transitions elevating the fall
Directly on the heels of the inspiring and holiday-filled month of Tishrei, Cheshvan...
The month of Tamuz and Av: embracing Brokenness - 17th of Tamuz, Tisha B'Av, & Tu B'Av
Each month and season of the year, radiates with distinct Divine qualities and unique...
The spiral of time: unraveling the yearly cycle
Many centuries ago, the Sages of Israel were the foremost authority in the fields of...
The month of Elul: days of Introspection and Transformation
Each month of the year radiates with a distinct quality and provides unique...
The month of Teves: refining relationships elevating the body
Each month of the year radiates with a distinct quality and provides unique...
Una historia de la experiencia judía:
La lectura del libro de Leo Trepp, que es un derroche de erudición y de acuciosos...
Under the fig tree: messianic thought the hebrew calendar
hrough the ill-fated twists of History, the book called in English the "bible' has...
Under the vin: messianic though the hebrew calendar
A stirring word study to start your day! Take a daily journey into the Word of God...
Seder Olam Rabbah: el gran orden del universo, una cronología judía
Este libro trata sobre el gran orden del universo o Seder Olam Rabbá. Es una obra...
Meam Loéz   Génesis  desde la creación hasta Noé  vol.1 tomo 1 antologías de comentarios, agadot y leyes sobre la torá, los profetas y los escritos
La presente obra es una clara y moderna traducción del excepcional comentario MeAm...
Perfecto es su obra Tamim Paóló
Este libro se compone de tres partes: - Mabat Laraquía. (mirada al Firmamento)...
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