Found 84 books in total
At the feet of Rabbi Gamaliel: rabbinic influence in Pauls teaching
The influence of Rabbi Gamaliel upon Shaul (Paul), his student, has neither been fully...
Najal Novea
En este libro se relatara del Rabino Breslov Najman, su vida, doctrinas, su devocion y...
Mishnah and the words of Jesus
Este libro presenta comparaciones entre las palabras de Jesús y las palabras de...
Iyou Job  a new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, midrashic and rabbinic sources
This workbook is a new translation, with an anthologized commentary from Talmudic,...
Mishlei  Proverbs vol.2 : a new translation with a commentary anthologized fromm Talmudic, midrashic and rabbinic sources
A decade in preparation and well worth the wait this volume brings Shlomo HaMelech's...
Mishlei proverbs vol.1: a new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, midrashic and rabbinic sources
A decade in preparation and well worth the wait this volume brings Shlomo HaMelech's...
La bendición de dar:  el rebe Najman sobre al caridad
Nuestros Sabios enseñan que la caridad hace mucho más para quien da que para quien la...
The Lion Cub of Prague : Numbers - Deuteronomy
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512-1607], known as Maharal of Prague, is credited with the...
Todos los caminos conducen a Jerusalem y también a Roma: un obispo y un rabino latinoamericanos peregrinan juntos por primera vez
Este libro nos cuenta que un obispo y un rabino latinoamericanos peregrinan juntos por...
Génesis Rabbah 1 genesis 1-11: comentario midrásico
Este libro titulado Génesis Rabbah es un comentario midrásico, al libro de génesis....
Comentarios al libro de proverbios
Los Comentarios al libro de Proverbios nos abren uno de los textos más maravillosos de...
You are what you hate: A spiritually productive approach to enemies
The teachings of the great kabbalist and Chassidic master, the Komarna Rebbe. He spent...
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